Minimum Wage Change: Notes from Our Call with King County

Thank you so much to those that attended our minimum wage update call with Chrissy Russillo on Monday, December 16th.

It was a productive call with many questions, answers and follow-up items. We wanted to make sure the information was available even to businesses that were unable to make the call (or unaware of it).

In addition to these follow-ups, there may be some in-person discussions on this subject moving forward. If you’re interested in participating in or hosting such a meet-up, please email .

 Do part time employees (even as low as 3hr/wk) count against the 15 employees?

A: Yes, every employee counts, regardless of their total hours

Q: Do teenagers (14-15) still get a reduced minimum wage?

A: No, there are no exemptions on any type of employees

Q: Has there been a study done to see how many employers in unincorporated King County actual have 500 employees

A: Chrissy needs to research this, I'll follow-up with her.

Q: The current poster is misleading; we need an option to show the current/2025 business minimum wage vs. the future higher one.

A: New posters are available on our Google Drive. These can be printed and posted in your busieness. What other languages do we need? (Spanish has been requested.)

Q: Has there been a study done to see how many employers in unincorporated King County actual have 500 employees

A: Chrissy needs to research this, I'll follow-up with her.

Q: What if we have only 5 employees on Vashon, but over 20 in other local, incorporated areas? Where does our rate fall?

A: The new minimum wage is based on total number of employees and revenue worldwide.

Q: How many Islanders will be impacted by this? How many workers are at minimum wage? How many employers are impacted?

A: Chrissy does not know. Needs follow-up

Q: What support is available for businesses to make this work? This includes L&I opportunities, training, tax incentives, grants, etc.

A: Chrissy will follow-up. 

Q: Are there examples available of community, employee and other relevant party communication/education on this change?

A: Chrissy will follow-up.

Q: Is there a multi-lingual hotline for employees to ask questions? (post-meeting question)

A: Nichole to follow-up with Chrissy.

Additional Resources:

King County Minimum Wage Info:

L&I Local Minimum Wage Rates:


Have you done your BOI eFiling? It’s due 12/31/24.


New Minimum Wage Resources